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Ayurveda: List of Foremost Things

by Charaka Samhita August, 2015


From the Ayurvedic source text, Charaka Samhita • 500 BCE

Food is the foremost among those that sustain life

water among those that are refreshing

exercise among those that make for firmness of the body

air among those that restores animation and consciousness

overeating among those that are causative of digestive disorders

eating according to one's digestive capacity among those that are stimulative of the gastric fire

Samajam Hospital

eating and working in conformity to one's constitution among sound practices

timely eating among those that promote health

the giving of satisfaction among the properties of food

the suppression of natural urges among those that are causative of ill health

wine among those that cause exhilaration

intemperate indulgence among those that impair understanding, resolution and memory

excessive indulgence in sex among those that cause consumption

the constant suppression of seminal ejaculation among those that cause emasculation

the sight of a slaughtering place among those that destroy the inclination for food

abstinence from food among those that curtail life

irregular eating among those that impairs

the gastric fire the eating of foods of an antagonistic nature among those that lead to disease

self-restraint among those that are wholesome

overstraining among those that are unwholesome

wrong indulgence among those that are generative of diseases

grief among those that promote disease

bathing among those that remove fatigue

joy among those that give delight

grief among those that cause wasting

inactivity among those that promote

corpulence corpulence among those that induce sleep

excessive sleep among those that give rise to lethargy

an infant among those that require mild medication

an old man among those requiring palliative treatment

cheerful spirits among those that help to retain conception in women

zest for life among attributes of health

Lotus Flowers

an assemblage of physicians among those that help to resolve doubts

practical skill among the qualities of a physician

applied scientific knowledge in pharmacology

reason supported by scripture among the means of knowledge

a sense of propriety among the results accruing from a knowledge of time

indolence among the causes of procrastination

practical work and observation among those that dispel doubts

incompetence among the causes of fear

clinical discussions among those that help to broaden one's understanding

the teacher among those that help in the acquisition of knowledge

Ayurveda among those that deserve to be practiced

a misunderstanding among those that are injurious

and the renunciation of greed among those that give happiness


by Charaka Samhita

August, 2015

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